The LIVE WATEROIL project aims to demonstrate a sustainable water treatment approach of relevance to high water-demanding industries. The goal is to decrease the emission of pollutants and improve the ecological condition of the Mandra-Poda water basin through exploitation of alternative water sources and the application of a more effective wastewater processing technology. Furthermore, the project aims to show the viability of substituting fresh water with treated water.
Specifically, the project aims to:
Introduce and optimise a novel integrated concept for alternative water supply, pertinent to the crude oil desalting stage, through establishing conditions for recirculation and reuse of stripped water;
Optimise and demonstrate the feasibility of a new wastewater treatment process based on the (i) application of enzyme-microbiological bioactivators to degrade and neutralise compounds (H2S, mercaptans, dissolved hydrocarbons) and the (ii) establishment of closed environment for transportation of sulphide-containing wastewaters through construction of a closed pipeline, which will replace the existing non-hermetic scheme;
Ensure better oxygen uptake and more effective processing in the Waste Water Treatment Plant of the compounds that were not evaporated from the wastewater stream through reconstruction of the biobasins aeration system; and
Encourage the replication of the project solution and its application in other refineries and other sectors such as pulp production, waste treatment and chemicals.
The project supports the implementation of Water Framework Directive at the pilot location and will provide recommendations for the third cycle of national WFD reporting and the drawing up of river basin management plans for Bulgaria. It also contributes to the EU Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas Best Available Techniques Reference document, along with the implementation of the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive.